Sunday, October 2, 2011

Like Mother Like Daughter!

 Today we took Monkey and Skinny and Minny to a pumpkin patch.  We went down slides, rode on pedal gokarts, petted goats and a donkey, walked a corn maze and rode a wagon to pick our own pumpkins.
When I was a little girl we didn't have a big pumpkin patch to go to, we used to go to Stitts, it was just up the road about 15 miles (dad would always be going by there when we called him to see where he was)  to get our pumpkins and Christmas trees if we got a real one.  When I was about 3 or 4 years old a photographer from a local newspaper took a photo of me on top of a GIANT pumpkin and I was in the paper.  So when I was taking photos of Monkey today this one made me think of that picture, of course its not a giant pumpkin, but Monkey didn't care, she loved the pumpkins so much she kissed and hugged them about 30 times!

1 comment:

  1. Pinters looks like fun! My sister and I are taking the girls there sometime before Halloween! Can't wait.
